Web geliştirme
Küçük işletmeler için kişisel web sitelerinden dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde herhangi bir cihazda çalışan büyük web uygulamalarına kadar geniş bir yelpazede web ürünleri geliştirme konusunda uzun bir geçmişe sahibiz. En son ön uç teknolojilerine dayalı etkileyici UI arayüzleri ile sorunsuz ve güvenilir operasyonlar için sağlam bir arka uç kombinasyonu sunuyoruz.
Bir web geliştirme ajansı olarak, Ruby on Rails (ana web uygulama geliştirme aracımız) ve diğer popüler çerçeveleri kullanarak web için geliştirme konusunda muazzam deneyime sahibiz ve size zengin işlevselliğe sahip yüksek performanslı ve güvenli bir web uygulaması oluşturabiliriz.
Our web development services and capabilities
We are ready to use our web development services to promote the growth of your web project no matter its stage of development, from the initial when there is only the idea present, to the final one, when all it needs is support and maintenance.
Full-service website development
We are looking to modernize, reinvent, and refurbish web development with cutting-edge technologies, methodologies, and development trends. Our integration of third-party services allows you to benefit from the entire industry talent, hiring web developers with a proven track record of success.
Application enhancement development
Our experience in web application development reaches far beyond ab initio projects. The web development team we line up is capable of refurbishing any existing web application, including a refurbished website, to fit the metamorphic character of cyberspace. We migrate and reinvent dated online presences to make them vibrant again.
Custom web application development
As a professional web development services provider, we have what it takes to leverage any startup idea, whether that be an e-commerce platform, an artist community website, or a line-of-business web application.
Shakuro, a web design and development company, specializes in providing custom web development services delivering quality built code with endless growth opportunities.
Bilkent University Human Rights Center
Developed a comprehensive web platform with custom CMS for Bilkent University's Human Rights Center, enabling dynamic content management and seamless user experience
A modern, responsive, and customizable Tailwind CSS component library for building websites quickly and efficiently.
Atila Hukuk
Developed a modern, responsive, and customizable website for Atila Hukuk, a leading law firm in Turkey.
UI Design for Tecvity, a technology company that provides innovative solutions for the automotive industry.